Fly Control


affect human welfare

Fly Control

Flies have been a nuisance insect for thousands of years. They affect human welfare because they can transmit diseases. Flies spread diseases readily since they move quickly from rotting, disease-laden garbage to exposed human foods and utensils.  As they have only two wings, flies land often and therefore can deposit thousands of bacteria each time they land.  Every time a fly lands, it sloughs off thousands of microbes. When flies feed on waste, they collect pathogens on their legs and mouths. These pathogens are then transferred to food on tables or counters when a fly lands again. They are capable of transmitting disease when they vomit, groom themselves or just walk on surfaces.

Types of Flies:

House Flies

Food and animal faeces in dumpsters, garbage, and compost piles.

Flesh Flies

Animal faeces, dead animals and meat scraps

Fruit Flies

vegetables, breweries, mops, rags, drains, pet food

Drain Flies

Gelatinous material found in sink drains, traps and sewers

Blow Flies

Dead animals, meat scraps and wet garbage.


Water, especially still water, soil where garbage leaks or garbage

Diseases transmitted from Fly:






Treatment for Fly


Baits are materials that contain an attractant and active ingredient that will kill flies that consume and/or touch it. Frequent replacements may be needed as some baits typically have a short residual period.

Residual Treatments

Residual liquid chemicals may be used to help eliminate and prevent fly populations around the exterior of a building. Residual treatments should only be used where the likelihood of food contamination, contamination of food surfaces or exposing building occupants is not a problem.